Go Ask Dock Ellis

I know exactly what you're talking about. The guitar all over that album is insane, but this "micro-solo" is in my head forever.

His Instagram account is also top notch hilarity. And he's a pilot or something? What a guy.

The book had some nice atmosphere, but is WAY too long and has around 3,000 instances of characters doing incredibly stupid things. "Welp, we've been stalking this killer long enough, why don't one of you run out alone at night on some pointless errand. Surely nothing bad will happen to you."

My ex's sister stayed with us for Christmas once and I made them watch this on Christmas Eve. Did I mention the "ex" part?

I saw them open for Tom Petty when I was in high school and during their set, the biggest Black Crowes fan in existence was near me, and he saw his moment when security was occupied and leaped over the partition separating our peasant lawn seats and into the reserved seating and sprinted straight to the VIP section.

Holy hell this is hilarious and a rare SUBTLE Pacino. Titus rules.

The thought of him with that Vigo the Carpathian hair, making ridiculous stank-guitar faces fills me with joy.

Yeah no qualms there. Just trying to mildly defend them since I had written them off for a while myself, based on their Ho Heyness. They also do a killer "Subterranean Homesick Blues" at their shows. HAPPY FRIDAY


The Lost City of Z is really through Amazon Studios? **glances slyly at Kevin Eubanks**

I hate to be this guy, but The Lumineers are terrific live and clearly somewhat hate the "Hey Ho" status since they usually play it right at the beginning of the show, tell everyone to get the recording on their phones out of their system, then ask everyone to put their phones away for the rest of the concert. They

Noted. God damnit; I had almost talked myself into avoiding adding some new content to the ole Content Heap, but the pile continues to grow.

I'm trying not to read too much to avoid spoilers, so I'm counting on y'all: do I need to watch the first season of this, or can I skip to 2? I read the book years ago and liked it, but I always heard through the grapevine that season 1 was a waste of time. SOS, nerds!

Oooooh! In the Heart of the Sea has been sitting on my shelf quietly judging me for months, but the others I am not familiar with. Adding to the list, thanks!

I'll be happy if this whole thread turns into recommendations for books on the doomed.

Haha right with you on doomed expedition fascination. I think it's interesting to see how different personalities react to certain doom. I mean, in a sense, we are all heading toward certain doom anyways, but stories of expeditions put it on a much more truncated timetable with more immediate stakes.

Sounds like a wager to me.

100% projecting this on the wall the next time I have people over, which incidentally may be the last time I have people over.