
Why the hell do the Teamsters support this piece of crap?

Did you actually click through the link? This information is actually derived from congressional records. Look at the bills that he's introduced and his racist newsletters and tell me that he's a good choice.

Some states/areas allow you to pump gas then pay, which is what this would be for. Some people don't like option b in your description because the temporary authorization is usually held for a few days before the smaller charge is placed on the card, but they don't want to have to go in to the store either.

Ron Paul has some good ideas, but he is not an acceptable candidate. He scores points for being against war, but his utter bigotry against those that are not rich, white, heterosexual men just scream wrong.

If you're against piracy or not, the fact that SOPA would make simple linking (or allowing a user to link to) illegal content against the law would have a devastating effect on many websites. YouTube for instance would probably stop existing. Facebook would probably no longer allow Likes or link to third party

Without technology, it wouldn't have been able to capture and share this with so many people.

HP employees already had an opportunity to order touchpads internally - months ago.

I really enjoyed the embedded video on this page. Thanks!


Not available in my country (Canada). Arrrrrgh.

That's the entire point - it doesn't show up in your list of installed applications.

What the hell is a 'boffin'?

just... no. this is too wrong to really articulate into words. but it's wrong.

Yes. My health is more important. Technological progress has put lots of people in and out of work over the years, and this shouldn't be a reason to not bring something to market. If we develop food pills in the future that would eliminate our requirement to eat food, that would put an incredible amount of people out

I'd buy the collector's edition if I didn't have to use Origin.

This is awesome! I tend to compulsively check prices on items that I've purchased but it's hard to keep track of all the stores. Too bad that it probably won't work in Canada.

The mustache alone is worth at least $50.

Try going to [proxify.com] and then going to sign up for Google Music. Make sure to allow cookies.

If you use a US proxy to sign up, you can use it from Canada without the proxy just fine.

Seeing the constant shitting on Google and unending praise of Apple here is really depressing. It got really bad after the whole iPhone 4 thing ended - almost like they're trying to apologize or something.