
Q: <3 ?

@ttringle: The video that Bluecold embedded is the song in question, but it is just a video that someone made using the test footage for Comiccon.

@Bluecold: This is just the song set to the Tr2n test footage from 2008. This isn't the same video linked in the embedded video.

@Dizzidiz: You're bad at gadgets. :(

Fuck yes. As someone that lives in Canada and frequently travels to the US, FUCK YES to the offline navigation.

There's an SSID near my house named 'backoff'. I'm not sure if it is supposed to mean 'Back off!' or if it is short for back office.

gonna pirate this out of spite

@YouISee: That's a pretty big generalization you've got there. It's quite impressive!

@YouISee: Adultery is none of the public's business. It's between the people directly involved. It shouldn't even be a crime.

@shaitan: Perhaps but the reasoning for such punishment is different. In Iran, they chop off your hand for theft. Or if you run away from your abusive husband, they kill you. There's a big difference between capital punishment in America as compared to Middle Eastern countries.

@YouISee: "For example, just because their women don't run around like disloyal skanks doesn't make them backwards. "

How about LH posts this yearly to remind us? :)

@Pete Gaines: Are you tethering using your phone's native tethering? Not sure if you're on Android, but if you are then there are several programs in the market that will obfuscate your tethering data as normal smartphone data rather than using the separate tethering APN which sounds like is happening to you.

@qrius: NFC payment systems are typically for low dollar amount transactions. It's not really a huge threat.

How about a sensible app approval process? [Really Fucking Unlikely]

Microsoft on the "Oblivion Express"? I don't think so.

@shkm: Not local to meeeee... :(