
Super saucey. Entered!

The Market app sucks, sure, but that's a pretty easy fix. I'm hoping that we'll see a revamped Market app for 2.3 or 3.0. If anything, BUYING apps on Android is what sucks since it's difficult to browse. Given that you don't have to submit to draconian approval processes like with iOS and Windows Phone 7, it seems

@Alaska Jack: It doesn't matter what the content of the article is, if you post 'what does this have to do with gadgets' or 'why is this on gizmodo' then your comment has a pretty good chance of getting shitcanned.

@mikelb: If you're creating games that can be completed within four hours and has no replay value that would make the customer want to keep the app, then that is sort of a different problem.

@tom: It's not really a refusal to review it. If you read between the lines, you'll find a succint review of the N8:

The un-approved comments on this article are hilarious, but not quite as hilarious as Nokia's state of affairs.

@MayorBloomberg: Argh, I had typed a big long thing and then I accidentally clicked cancel instead of share.. but basically fragmentation typically refers to the fragmentation of the platform (different Android versions) rather than the marketplace (different markets for Android applications).

@wætherman: I was using blogs as a generic term. I don't read the Huffington Post, but they do their own journalism. My point was that print/old media doesn't move fast enough anymore.

@jasonbarone: I'm not sure what the 'global reach' line is supposed to mean. Isn't the Android Market available in all countries now?

@CubemonkeyNYC: How is it better than the Android market? It's a blank slate. The built-in Android Market app may suck, but that's a different story. There are always third-party interfaces like AppBrain..

@Vrank92: I could toss it up somewhere for you, but I'm not sure if that would be against Giz rules or not. It's free, but I'm not sure.. if you google for angry birds apk full you might be able to find it.

@MayorBloomberg: Fragmentation isn't that big of a problem as some people would like to think it is. And it certainly doesn't mean anything in context of this app, or choosing one market or another.

What the hell is GetJar? Why do people keep making their own crappy markets for Android? Argh.

@wætherman: No, they should come on interweb blogs like this very one that we're reading now, and web-based news outlets like CNN's website. By the time something shows up in the Times, it's usually not even news anymore so much as history.

Meh. Print media is still outdated in digital form.

Oh man. I'd be all over this if there was an Android version.

@Thangka: when you use the word sheeple it really adds a lot of credibility to what you're saying

@Budly: You probably absorb more radiation through the actual plane flight than you would with a backscatter x-ray.

@screemname: Two unnecessary wars causing countless thousands of deaths, illegal wiretapping, and the gutting of programs and services designed to help those that need help the most... and you're calling Obama the worst president in modern history?

@MrRainMan: impossible - software will always have bugs