Thanks for the input, Asston Fartin Ladonga
Thanks for the input, Asston Fartin Ladonga
I don’t think he gives a shit about the sell-off being a brave move. He’s seen the writing on the wall and is abandoning ship before everyone else does.
Reminds me if the tales my boomer parent told of union made cars way back in the day, glad to hear that the alternative is just as good.
Anyone who buys one of these deserves exactly what they get.
Luxury price, hillbilly treatment.
Are the employees responsible? Or are Dirty Mike and The Boys turning Cybertrucks in to F-shacks, putting Ds in some As before delivery?
This company is a husk of its former self. The cuts have been deep and it has probably caused good people to leave for more stable ventures. One person can not solve this but one can completely destroy it.
Congresswoman Boobert should have taken her case to Judge Cannon’s court. Cannon would have ruled the ticket was unconstitutional on account of Boobert being a Republican and, thus, above the law.
They are, though... that’s why it’s even sadder.
Republicans aren’t sending their best.
The GOP has been telling us for years that politicians are criminals, and now they’re proving it.
Yep, stare decisis is dead, the SCOTUS will now just do whatever the hell they want no matter what any other court has decided in the past.
The only “free speech” people like Musk care about protecting are hate speech, lies, and other types of abuse.
I though it was being written as Gym Jordan
Politics was his only other career option.
Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach that covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State,
Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach the covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State? Color me surprised. /S
Hi all - Aiden here - I did end up getting a really good deal on an 09 Fit Sport with 55k miles and it is the perfect car for me. I absolutely love it. Thanks Jalops!
The perfect number of cars to have is n+1 where n is equal to the number of cars you currently have.
I know I questioned the choice of color for your wheels before, but I take it all back. That thing is clean