
I’m betting on him going Putin-style - nationalise the assets of all EV manufacturers other than Tesla, have Elon lend them $1 against all of their assets, then, oops, they defaulted on the loan, Elon owns them all.

It’s not that he’s a fuddy duddy - he is, but it’s tangential to this issue. Look at his stance on crypto - when he first started talking about it, it was clear that he recognized it as basically a pyramid scheme, and his old person’s skepticism of newfangled stuff came through loud and clear. But then he discovered

Is there really anything to figure out though? In many or even most things, it’s not the technology that’s the problem, it’s the money and the will.

He let the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers out of prison. He can just tell them to shoot everyone driving an EV and sales will collapse immediately.

The idea that he was trying to do anything was laughable. They just identify wedge issues and campaign on them. Then he signs a bunch of executive orders in the first week and spends the rest of the time watching TV, golfing, Tweeting, and insulting reporters.

You’ve got to give them credit for at least attempting to have a spine, unlike a lot of corporate America who are terrified of the Y’allqueda movement in this country.

Oh Rivian....you naive little child. There’s a boatload of stuff this Admin could pull to make your claim look foolish. None of these are good policy, but when the whole goal of this Admin is F#ck You, I Said So....none of that matters:

100 years ago Drumpf would be trying to repeal the imaginary gasoline mandate, to ensure a future still full of horses and streets covered in horseshit.

The only positive outcome is that Trump's voters are going to suffer as much as anyone.

Why do you think the Republicans want to get rid of the Department of Education?

But they created the electorate they have through underfunding of our education system and constantly attacking any legitimate news or information that they don’t agree with.

This is why I hate JD so much. He literally wrote a/the book describing the stupidity of the right-wing lower class base, then exploited that information (and them) for votes to further his political career.

You campaign to the electorate you have, not the one you want.

Don’t forget the “Patriot Gold” version, available for a limited time, with a leftover Trump Tourbillon watch embedded in the dash.

RS6 or tipped over Frigidaire...

That’s a in insult to tuna cans. This is what you throw a used tuna can into when you’re done with it.

Why does anyone ever feel bad for wealthy people experiencing their choice to purchase a (accelerated) depreciating asset?!

Moore’s law is what you are referring too, and it is not applicable anymore. He based it on transistor miniaturization, and we are near the limit apparently. Instead of the predicted 2 years we are almost at 4 now. It held at 2 for many decades, though.

Imagine you have $120k to blow on a car. And instead of buying a Range Rover, X7, Escalade, GLS or QX80 you say “yep, I’ll buy a tuna can on wheels”.

which might lead one to wonder if they’ve ever purchased a new vehicle before. Or a used one. Or dealt with money at all.