There’s been an “owners” forum for over a year now. Apparently words have no meaning.
There’s been an “owners” forum for over a year now. Apparently words have no meaning.
That would be Audi’s take.
While I’ve never jammed the gas instead of the brake, I have violently smashed the brake pedal on an automatic car looking for a clutch pedal that wasn’t there when my brain told me it was time to downshift while coming to a stop. Manual transmission muscle memory is strong!
Tesla is the reigning king of bizarre accidents like this.
This. There was an article a while back about this. All these EVs have awesome power but I’m already terrified by the amount of damage unskilled drivers are doing with <200hp at their disposal. Especially for people like my wife who has two pedal positions; on and off. EVs are going to be a learning curve for her.
Assuming they have standard foot operated speed and braking controls, which I dunno, but it looks like: Went to hit the brake, hit the accelerator instead, realized they weren’t breaking, so mashed the pedal harder before working out what they did wrong.
How much did Kris has to pay for this dumb appearance of her talentless dumb daughter?
The blurb for that model promises ‘discreet luxury and authentic emotions’. My emotions are certainly authentic.
Dear poster child for all the things wrong with home schooling, vaccine mandates don’t infringe on “personal liberty” and have been required for all manner of things from public schools to military service and international travel. It’s your party who pushed “right to work” laws which gave employers the right to fire…
Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated…
In today’s NFL, who’s to say getting the slotted guaranteed money for the No. 2 overall pick and retiring to your native Hawaii as early as possible isn’t “success”? Go home, Marcus, and don’t look back. You’ll be 26 years old, rich, and local hero.
Meet Robert Kraft ....
Unhappy boat owners are the ones who aren’t on the water because their boat is broken and they can’t afford the thousands to fix it.
It could be worse;I mean,she could have written a song about this and used a much more literal interpretation...
Computer generated finger snapping, like all songs in the last three years? Check.
I’m glad we have people like you. I tried, but couldn’t let myself suffer long enough to watch the whole thing to see if the titular car really existed in the video.
Who fucking cares. Humanity is a plague that should be eradicated at the earliest possible opportunity.
The fact that no one noticed for 3 years is a sure sign that the venn diagram of Jalops and Charlie the nth listeners is two separate circles.