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    Can't believe it isn't 444 h.p. Try harder.

    Well, Cartman did get free Sea Monkeys from a pipe in the alley, and they do look like aliens.

    False. It means winning at rapeball is the highest good.

    Well, how many of his patients survived his proverbs?

    Belichik: Rape is o.k because it’s rapeball before all, and bitches be bitches, as Mr Kraft always says, but threats of violence via text is just not acceptable.

    Or sold another car she can't afford.


    Yes. Rapeball is more important than children.

    Egypt was armed with the best weapons the U.S. makes, yet the unarmed people threw out Mubarak. Ignorance is expensive.

    False. You can't pick out only the words you like. Go join an ammosexual militia.

    C'mon, they already have enough to do with supporting the oil industry.


    Third world infrastructure, health-care, and education,but First world military 😁

    Please stop breathing, underwater,overwater, or anywhere else.


    Fuck Gretchen Carlson. She knowingly went to work in a whorehouse, spewed the party line, and then was offended?

    It's like playing the Civil War reenactment game but with cars instead of poorly groomed fat guys.

    Yes, but a bitchin Camaro!

    False. That's my Lambo. 

    True MAGA art.