Bullying. Lying.
Bullying. Lying.
Small Town Wisconsin has these things which is amazing when you know how bad the roads are.
Not much consolation when you are dead.
So we can save money by abolishing Homeland Insecurities now? Terrorists are celebrating.
Putin has it. That's why we need a Space Force.
Exactly .
Still boring.
Yes, they should race "stock" cars.
False. Tesla built a car with enough range to go to outer space.
Nah, they go all the way to outer space.
To wealthy can white people
Perhaps this is a side effect of her plastic surgery done through her kidneys?
They should have called this the Mall Runner.
Truth is beauty.
Right? All the things are fake. Next will be a Prius with a Land cruiser body. This sadcrap being named a Blazer makes me feel old and tired. Get off my lawn unless you are a dog taking a dump.
We should use the con servatives favorite solution, the 2nd amendment 😀
They stand in front to make sure they will blind everyone.
Please use sentences and punctuation.
In honor of our President U.S. diplomats should all drive flaming garbage trucks.