Those grapes really are sour.
Those grapes really are sour.
False Flag Operation. Blown Motor Insurance Scam! Alex Jones!!!!1
Bend over and I’ll show you :)
Only 95 million for a Frigate? Surprised Peter Thiel doesn’t have a dozen.
Christie/Palin join rulers of Food and Drug Administration.
Princess Di and good taste in the same sentence. Truly the world is ending.
We don’t need guns. Just shut down Walmart deliveries and watch their wives kill them with their bare hands.
Burn it.
Megan Kelly got her own show, so she must have done something. I am old school enough to kick anyone’s ass for this shit behavior, but am I supposed to believe that she did not not know what was in store when she took a job at this hellhole?
Let’s be fair to Mr. Drumpf. It is probably exhausting walking around all day keeping Melania from sticking things in her nose.
His patients would have been better off with Kervorkian though.
The law doesn’t apply to the GOP. See:Bundy Terrorists.
No0, but he could do a Full Retard.
And you know that how?
Yes, but isn’t poison a food product?
Teeth Whitening!
Well, maybe she is the beneficiary on his life insurance policy.
In a trailer.
Where are those oath keepers who swore to defend the US. against terrorists?
So willfully ignorant?