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    Best comment!

    And by their perceptions, they are right. Citation: The Blues Brothers.

    It was your team’s preferred 2ndA solution.

    They met in the Larry Craig Memorial Restroom.

    Into a giant fear factor pig rectum that swallows itself, never to be seen again.

    Except they started out with something of quality, the 911, not some cats wailing.

    Send some of those ninja snails to Peter Thiel.

    Federal law states that children should be in “the least restrictive environment” so any school district that automatically separates them in this day and age should be sued.

    Yes, please vote for Donald Putin Trump. I like a nice bonfire.

    It worked well for Amazon, right?

    They were new when the car was new.

    Charge the cops 3500.

    SO in other words, he was a Republican?

    This x 10

    No worries, we have an app for that.

    The Underwood Devil logo, which was registered in 1870, is believed to be the oldest registered trademark still in use for a prepackaged food product in the United States. The Underwood red devil symbol was to identify the company’s product – deviled ham.What really grinds my gears is that the complete line of

    Except for the part where he claims to have won. How do you think I got the Duck Commander boys?

    It is true. I am the devil.

    Good l0rd, it’s a mobile hair salon!

    They are not as bad as the mall ninja.