
“Or if you prefer, you could find yourself strangled with a fuckin’ headband.”

It would logistically impossible under the best of circumstances, and would no doubt be imposed unfairly, but my fantasy is a hierarchy based on how people have acted in 2020.

Good catch. Republican’s in general say some weird shit, but usually when it’s about women (“bleeding out her... wherever”) it’s coming out of a man’s mouth.

Just so. Her only hope is from a governor who has no interest in running for any office, ever again.

He’s got the build for an empire waist. More power to him.

I can confirm that our goal is absolutely a full-blown matriarchy. First we gain the presidency, then we start oppressing the men.

We start passing laws on what elective medical procedures they can have to erode their bodily autonomy, pay them less so they’re more dependent on us, only test medication on women so it’s 

Is there a need to air sooooo much dirty laundry when going through a divorce?!...I just don’t understand the need to say all of this. It feels cruel.

Good riddance to a serial abuser.

Take another look at that picture. That is the shit-eating grin of someone who now gets paid to play Xbox and treat women like shit. It used to be a hobby, but now he’s professional.

He’ll declare victory.

But on the same hand, Aniston’s initial plea also reveals that celebrities like her watch far too much MSNBC, in turn, morphing average rom-com stars like her into bona fide heroes in their imagined “resistance.”

Make America great again, kill yourself. 

I live in a very expensive city and that kind of money would cover 15 months of rent. If you are paying that for a BAG, you are a chump and they saw you coming. ( IMO)

If I may gently push back at this notion?

Pretty much right after footage of the Rittenhouse incident as publicized, conservative-culture news media and the conservative-sympathetic blogosphere started defending him. Maybe they also made fun of Mr. Huber with the skateboard for “trying to take on” somebody who literally had him outgunned.

Oh please, Game of Thrones was so ‘bad’ that Jezebel ran a detailed report of each new episode to discuss how ‘bad’ it was. And these guys were so terrible that everyone thought Game of Thrones sucked right from the beginning. Which is why they made like 8 seasons of it. Which everyone hated.

Is there a study showing results to that affect?  

Nothing about Incels cracks me up. That they exist should worry us all. They are a tiny group of men with mental health issues who believe their only avenue to a life worth living is to have a woman to share it with. And they have given up on having a meaningful relationship. They are filled with rage and despair and

The utter hypocrisy and fragility of the incel/MAGA crowd nourishes my soul. They shout and scream about how sensitive and easily offended everyone else is as they rage post against Goodyear Tires and kneeling football players. They shitpost online about liberal plastic Hollywood as they inject Botox into their