yes, it made me think of gusgus in the evil stepmother’s pocket trying to avoid getting hit by the hot tea in the teacup lmao
yes, it made me think of gusgus in the evil stepmother’s pocket trying to avoid getting hit by the hot tea in the teacup lmao
[There were also “over a dozen car accidents where the cars have been ripped to pieces or rolled over by a truck,” Solomon said, alluding to more Mephistophelean obstacles.]
I remain bearded because without my beard, I look like Rick Moranis.
Republican-controlled state legislatures need very little prodding when it comes to passing draconian abortion restrictions
only if you are a disgusting human being that never washes properly...
I turned 15 in 1995, and I had probably HEARD of the internet by then, but I doubt I had ever used it.
>“I called the police actually and told them about this, and they said you can’t compare a murder to this, and I was like, no, that’s exactly what it felt like.”
If you make your living via Instagram and YouTube and your account got deleted for reasons you couldn’t control - aka NOT hate speech - you’d be perfectly entitled to outrage. Activist accounts, from BLM-associated accounts, trans-positive accounts, feminist accounts to accounts that are targeted by mass bogus…
“Now, we both know that consenting adults don’t always think smartly sometimes.”
Perfect plan.
1) Find woman who had spontaneous abortion
>you don’t need to use your phone to talk to someone. get the fuck up and go to their house if you want to talk to them. oh the government is tracking who you’re calling boo fucking hoo. if you want to use phones you have to let the government know. im a retarded libertarian who doesn’t know what the fuck im talking…
I starred this from a smartphone.
“Wellness” is a scheme invented by our corporate overlords to squeeze every last ounce of productivity out of us by dehumanizing our most profound moments of sorrow and joy into microtargetable data. Don’t be complicit. Smash your smartphone, burn your fitbit, eat your calorie tracker.
So the male python is essentially a police informant. He better watch all 15 feet of his back once the word gets out. Everyone knows that snitchessss get stitchessss.
I got this off reddit from someone who follows this trainwreck:
thats what they used to say about Flappers and their silk stockings and later on about nylon pantyhose. The day we stop making women the moral gatekeepers of men is the day we wont need feminism anymore. BTW in my grandmothers day they also wore “leggings”, thick hand knitted stockings designed to keep your leggs and…