
Probably the safest comment in this thread. We have this crazy group of fucks on the right. On the left, we have one guy who has a lot of ideas that probably won’t fly or a woman who has more ties to wall street than I can count and, when asked if she had wiped her server before handing it over, responded with “What,

I’ve got my popcorn ready! These comments should be fucking awesome.


My fantasy team is named JPPs Fingerbangers. Glad to see he’s living up to it.

I feel like Drew was over his shoulder, shedding a tear, so proud watching his boy grow up.

I had to re-read the first post to figure out what the hell you were saying. Now I’m just giggling. +1

Fucking roasted. +1

I have a recurring dream that involves me fighting Predator-like monsters on a beach among beach-goers who apparently don’t give a shit that lasers and bullets are flying past them. It’s really weird, but I’ve had this dream at least half a dozen times in the last two months.

Nice one, Foster. I hope Ohio State hate fucks you into oblivion.

And I could easily see them shitting the bed against Oregon State and Northwestern.

Yep. NDAs are serious business and I guarantee it was in his contract if that’s what he was terminated for.

Ohioan here. Can confirm: Would burn Michigan to the ground if I could get away with it.

Holy. Shit.

All this says to me is that I really need to get a scanner. This is awesome.

God dammit. +1

This entire story just makes me happy. Two teams that I despise looking like complete asshats. I love it.

Shit, he did better than everyone on the pitch. He got two of them!

If we win the Gold Cup this summer, I would say that the Confed Cup is a major enough competition, and that would be in two years, which the USA almost won in 2009. I know it’s a mini-tournament and all, but that’s some serious silverware to take home if you win it.

+1 for being old enough to understand that reference.

+1, nicely done.