Not pictured = Sepp Blatter doing a backstroke inside of it.
Not pictured = Sepp Blatter doing a backstroke inside of it.
I feel bad for laughing at that one. +1
+All the ones
On the highest possible temperature.
+All the ones. Brilliant
He isn't nearly as insufferable now as when he was on MSNBC, that's for damn sure.
When you need an angle absolutely buried and are too lazy to come up with something creative, just hit the "LOLCENAWINS" button.
I think Hell has a new high score. +1
This is a marriage headed straight for divorce, and it's both of their faults.
In fairness to the network, I could believe that Howard Stern's ass could bring down a plane.
You absolutely have to be new here.
+1, this one wins.
Good. God. Damn.
That's awful....but I laughed anyways. +1
+1. Well played, sir.
Everyone go home. This wins for the day.
Bring on 2018. There will be a changing of the guard, for sure. However, with Klinsmann's system fully entrenched and the younger players building up in the next few years, I'm very excited to see what the future holds.
That goal made a mess in my shorts. Sick stuff, kid. Can't wait to see you in 2018 with four years under your belt.
He's a Liverpool supporter. Of course he's defending Suarez.