Don't ever use "FIFA" and "credibility" in the same sentence.
Don't ever use "FIFA" and "credibility" in the same sentence.
I'm guessing you're a Liverpool fan.
+1. Well played.
"Field is too small every since they removed the track and lowered the playing surface."
And it still means dick.
FIFA rankings written on paper aren't even worth wiping your ass with. They're that useless.
The focus in this man's eye shows one of extreme concentration. Too bad he's forgotten the thermal paste and hasn't bothered to attach the CPU to the motherboard first.
Bravo to you, sir.
Wouldn't everyone want Michele Beadle on top of them while she breaks down a nickel defense?
Don't care either way, but this is hilarious.
Vivi > All
I can't help but feel like this would have been a slap on the wrist if Stern was still in charge.
The referee acted like Officer Barbrady with that black out.
"Okay folk, nothing to see here, move along!"
Oh wow. Team Breezy vs. Beliebers.
Can we just nuke them all and the winner of the other half of the bracket gets a bye?
Except that the fight wouldn't really be with Spurs. Because Man City won the League Cup, both Everton and Spurs are at least sitting in the Europa League. If anything, Spurs are fighting with Man Utd for the last Europa spot. Spurs are more or less out of it, unless they go on a massive run like Arse did last…
I'm glad you guys are pissing them off. They obviously don't give one single fuck about the migrant workers they hired, other than whether or not they are literally killing themselves over their new infrastructure to host the World Cup.
Fuck these people and especially fuck this guy.
Final Fantasy VI. The Decisive Battle Boss theme. Absolutely love this theme and all of the spinoffs I see from it.
And, if you feel like getting kicked in the balls for 40 hours, try to find a translated copy of Final Fantasy III for the original NES. That game is pants-shittingly hard.
Any "light beer" list that doesn't include Yeungling Light is null and void.