
Rian Johnson has been preaching this for years. Glad to hear his “TV Ninja” army is growing stronger.

Nintendois cleaely not PC. They only release games on the Switch and DS now.

Sorry to hear about being sick, hopefully the other avengers will help cover your neighborhood.

I really liked Kevin in the early seasons. When he loses to Phyllis in poker always cracks me up. But that was back when he was a real character.

It was the rest of the characters who got wacky and ridiculous, which kimd of ruined the show for me. It turned into just any other sitcom around season 5. Still hilarious, but not the same. Kevin went from a poker champion to someone who tries to talk like a baby to save time. That bugged me so much.

That’s a great point. I think that’s what made the early seasons great. Everyone felt so real. The awkwardness and discomfort came from how much we can relate to it.

I guess I forgot about how Jim and Dwight kind of become friends. I still found the later seasoms funny, but just as a completely different show as the first few seasons.

I really think Jim was a flawed character from the get-go, which made him and the show interesting, different and great, but then the writers seemed to want Jim to be a sort of all around good guy without changing the flaws, making him seem kind of dickish. Him dating Karen while still in love with Pam is a very

Well, that’s just, like, you’re opinion, man.

Walmart can really scare me. I was just visiting some small central Kansas towns and saw first hand how it affects their economies. It was quite haunting.

I wasn’t going to transfer my disqus account until I saw Werdup’s shining beacon of a post. Maybe everything will be alright.