
It’s pretty much like that across any realm that’s supposedly “women’s work.” Fashion is a “feminine” activity, but high fashion is dominated by men. Cooking? Totally a woman’s job at home, but fancy chefs running acclaimed restaurants are almost all male. Teaching? Totally a girly job, but the highest-paid, most

I wish I could remember who said it here and if you recognized this quote, please chime in.

“Jesus chose exactly who he wanted be president.”

I need a ruling on the proper use of “You’r.” It is not a typo, he used it twice. My guess is you use it when you are too dumb to know if it should be “your” or “You’re.”

Do you think the writers at conservative blogs get such poorly written hate mail?

You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

Q: Why did Adele cross the road?