If Jason Alexander as amazed by the CGI in this video, he's going to either be ecstatic or appalled by some of my "more R rated" CGI creations I haven't yet revealed to him.
If Jason Alexander as amazed by the CGI in this video, he's going to either be ecstatic or appalled by some of my "more R rated" CGI creations I haven't yet revealed to him.
This challenge would've been the perfect opportunity to whip out the poison.
I share your interpretation. I think everyone else assumed the winner would be announced second since the three "losing" teams were called in first. The logistics of calling in "winning" teams from different course brackets are nightmarish. It just so happened that the winners were losers.
To all of you who made fun of Kenny's emotional story of "I'm bbqing because I used to bbq with my dad" last week:
Yeah, I was trying to figure out the "shock" thing, too.
Jamie Lynn
She's one of my two favorites now (along with Nicole). Her cover was multi-dimensional, colorful, and spooky. I would certainly pick it up off a shelf before Mark's Dracula.
I thought the game show was tense when he selected contestants Keitel, Jodl, Krebs, and Burgdorf and had everyone else leave the room.
But Wait!
A special sneak preview of Rubicon. NEXT.
But it still killed candidates. In essence, it turned the sub into a booby trap. Supposed it did explode in the mess. What if the EXPLOSION didn't kill the candidates, but still damaged the sub. Is that breaking the rules.
I hate Kate. But shot Kate, for some reason, was super hot. I'm sure there is some sort of Freudian reason for this. Or maybe that Lilly's acting spectrum doesn't have the ability to separate painful groans and gasps from pleasured groans and gasps.
Red Pages
Jorge Garcia has said on Jay and Jack's podcast that the finale scripts are all printed in red/on red to prevent photocopying and distribution. These are clearly black and white. I'm not stupid enough to say that means these aren't authentic. This could be a another type of copy, like an editors. It could…
I think it's Mike the cleaner, too. Just one good guy looking out for another good guy.
Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a jackoff. Sorry, won't happen again. I think there was enough warning in "preview for next week's show".
To AMC advertising nitwits:
Listen, I knew some shit was gonna go down tonight: foreshadowing in the show itself and chatter within the blogosphere had me anticipating a great ending.
Cameron/ Stonestreet
Is that guy the most talented actor on TV or what? Drums? Clowns? He was even funny on Top Chef tonight.
Cars 2
Will never be as good as Cars.
Fair enough. I thought he might have had more to make the Walt connection. But after your analysis I'll agree he was probably just reacting to Jesse.
As a 4-20 birthday myself, I ALWAYS counter the "Hitler" accusation with Don Mattingly.
Grey Matter
Obviously a few parallels between Grey Matter and the Jesse/Walt fellowship.
I thought the dialogue between Mike and Walt in front of the house felt…forced or something.