all copy-cat companies ought to be ashamed of themselves. Then again its nice to see the good ol' USA setting the standard. If I ran one of these companies I'd be flat out embarrassed at how blatant I'd have to copy Apple to get people to buy.
all copy-cat companies ought to be ashamed of themselves. Then again its nice to see the good ol' USA setting the standard. If I ran one of these companies I'd be flat out embarrassed at how blatant I'd have to copy Apple to get people to buy.
You sure that photo isn't a Fandroid rooting party? Sure looks like one.
its there to give blogs something else to bitch about
zzzzzzzzzz... the first of a thousand Android copy-cat attempts enters the market. Lets all buy Japanese shall we? not.
Meh.. Android, getting the leftovers again. ;)
@jinushaun: your comment = epic fail
@David Billiter: I guess there are billions of fanboys out there. Wow, sucks to be a Fandroid if thats the honest truth.
Gotta laugh at those who still don't understand, or worse, flat our refuse to believe the iPad has created a huge stir and has set a standard once again. Yes, children, it is a game changer - even the most ardent Apple haters have to dig deep to fight the onslaught that is iPad. Having said that I'll be happy to…
@dallasmay - are you one of those that thinks Android wins just because it has more of an OS footprint? Look again... you don't have to sell the most to be the best (technically or investment-wise) Don't fool yourself into thinking this is a majority wins situation.... I see a lot of GMs out on the highway but…
I saw where over 50% of Apple's revenue is based on things that did not exist 3 years ago. And you think Apple is overvalued or on the way down? Seriously? I'm hope most of you get better advice when investing because I smell Apple hate getting in the way of average intelligence here. I would say Google is…
I jailbroke my iPhone, then un-did it 24 hours later. Just not necessary despite a few of these interesting options. I actually prefer paying for my apps and being able to upgrade my phone reliably.. and while Apple could surely add more features I appreciate that they wait and do it the right way - makes for less…
Got mine. Will probably use it a month then cancel unless they add more networks. (I think they basically have ABC and thats it) I think I can get most these shows on other apps, and the movie selection sucks. Not sure why people are gaga about hulu. Where's slingbox for iPad??!?!?!
P.S. yaaawwwnnnn.. where are all the Fandroids?
What a great product... for 90 year old ladies. Maybe we should dub this the iPad killer? Yea, Amazon saved the Kindle only by dropping it to a price thats only maybe 3x its current value vs. 30x. I'm sure they are happy about that... and having to re-engineer a new model for those 90 year olds.
All my friends that poked fun at me for believing in the iPad are now wishing they hadn't jumped on the stupid train.... and if its just fanboys buying these devices there is a S#$)(* load of fanboys out there! Its sad that this kind of success actually turns some people off... its just a good US company after…
People will hate Apple even more with this kind of success. Too bad people don't support a good growing American company whether they use their products or not. Nice work Apple - keep it up! I know I'm doing all I can to get your products in the door at our Fortune 500 company... just a matter of time before…
Move on means move on people. Get a life already.
move on means move on... do we need a dozen move on articles this week to accomplish this?
Love Daring Fireball's recent article.. a tidbit:
This article FTW