Gnome DeGuerre

Pat is an androgynous fictional character, so it's okay for this to not make sense.

She should die though, at some point. I don't want someone with ethics and scruples living forever, let alone this alleged human being.

Ladies and gentlemen, Scott Adams!

My hair if we're lucky!

Boy, I sure could go for 8 stouts right about now..

He needed to be rastafied about 70% more..

Hate is a strong word.. Upvoted.

I bet they never got any butter, though.

I believe they attempted something like this last year, turning Jamshed (only seen twice before, both times as a small child in; Homer The Heretic where he says, "How I have waited for this day." then cocks a shotgun and points it at Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney, and then again for a few seconds, skateboarding by with

Of course for that to work you'd have to watch new episodes of The Simpsons, and that would be downright nutty!

When the Kwik-E-Mart Clerk character was written, they specifically said it should not be a hacky stereotypical Indian voice, but at the table read Hank read it in his Peter Sellers’ in brownface for The Party voice, and the room loved it. Might not have gone over as well if the room wasn't just white people though.

The only thing I can be certain she got was drunk and ripped off, as it cost at least an amount of money to see him.. and I can't imagine anyone doing so sober.

No one born and raised in Nebraska sounds like that.

They mean No Collar/Sleeves, but they don't want to offend their collar and sleeveless base.

It's funny because he was neither!

He could probably help you out with the pony, as he grew up owning several horses.

This is almost criminally under-upvoted.

Kid Rock wishes he had half the musical talent of David Duke!

My mother went to see Kid Rock… fairly recently… She's… not so smart.