Gnome DeGuerre

To be doubly fair, he tried to but he was giggling too hard and it was unlegible.

And a fine job it did!

Artist gets lippy, demands recompense.

Daniel Stern is a fucking great guy.

Yes, he is the one who pulled a knife on a possessed car… So we can't rule out that they're the same person.

Andrew Dice Clay should know better, what a dick!

*dun-dun dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun*

Damn straight balok my man!

I'd say he has more of a sleek, dazzling veneer of the 1980's.. And I assume his boneitis will catch up to him sooner rather than later.

I've got another confession to make.. Papa Roach sucks too.

People used to really try to fake news.. I guess they realized that they don't have to try though, as roughly 35% of people are dumb enough to unquestioningly believe and defend as truth whatever they're told, at least from the right source.

"googles shit on the internet" kind of makes makes sense, since you can't really google shit elsewhere.. Though it is redundant, and said in what might be the dumbest way possible.

If you go back far enough, we're all related to Leonard Cohen!

It's real, the pain you feel.

2 extremely popular things I don't give much of fuck about, together at last..

Would like to learn how to earn 5,000$ in .6 weeks from home with just an internet connection? The only reason I leave my home is to get fuel for my brand new McLaren or to make sexing!

IIRC a wizard did it.

He tried to just be a Hooker first, but there were few takers..

Like putting too much air in a balloon!

That lady ain't right..