Gnome DeGuerre

Oh, this guy again? Lame.

Plenty of deaths though!

The basic tenets of liberalism are direcetly opposed to what these alleged people are doing, therefore they are not liberals. The same cannot be said for conservatives.

Or like how North Korea is democratic because it calls itself that? Or just the way that makes you feel better about things?

Or he misspelled who..

Those people are not liberals. Liberalism is defined as a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a

I don't think liberals are what you think they are…

The most widely publicized picture of him while in captivity shows him in casts, so he most definitely got government health care from the Viet Cong.. I'm not claiming they didn't torture him, but he also recorded propaganda for them..

The kind of spine he had while he was violating the Military Code of Conduct by recording propaganda for the Viet Cong?…

The worst cons don't think anyone but white protestants should be allowed to live.. What are the worst libs doing to make this statement true?

78.94.. I just looked.

On the bright side, that's only slightly worse than the survival rate of turning 80.

Now what are the podcasters I listen to going to write for?!?

"Oh boy, I hope I don't alienate my base and end up as the weekend morning news woman! Oh no, I did!"

I have a friend who still uses a grav bong primarily.. He's kinda shitty.

Wow, you can buy the same bongs direct from China for $10-$30ish!

It's about ethnics in gaming journalism!!!!!!!

That'll do Rockrocky77.. That'll do.