Gnome DeGuerre

Meh.. six of one..


That could easily fall under the umbrella of a schizoaffective disorder.

I completely understand. I've missed quite a few great shows and movies due to my desire not to talk to people.

Their hipster tendencies of quoting beloved cult classics, or your hipster tendencies to not be able to like something others love?

Shit no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man..

That doesn't sound very funny… So this checks out.

You should add Gary Numan to the list, it's the safest of all.

It's got that Nucar smell!

I heard the dogs could tell you whats on top of a house, and the outside of trees as well..

They could throw it on next week and the only thing they'd need to change, for it to still be 100% true to life, is adding in a leading question asked just for the soundbite.
And secondly, it is and they are!

They wouldn't let him name the tour "Fuck It: We'll Do It Live!"

Uhh.. Someone is on fire in Rammset Park, they need you to get down there right away.

Oh, so it's #FakeNews then!

Also, anyone still believing these shitheels give a fuck about anyone but themselves are not the kind to listen to something from a lefty librul beta cuck..

I thought it was Lorenzo Music..

Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge

That's a bit optimistic, I figured 8 months before its infomercials and endless runs of Caddyshack II, BASEketball, and the lesser Rocky movies.


"Yeah, looks like.."