Gnome DeGuerre

Night flight to Ojai!

Oh yeah?

I like to throw a little mustard on them.. but I'm a bit of a rebel.

You meet all kinds of interesting people when your penis is 5'9" with a good head of hair.. Hell, you should know!

Bury me at Makeout Creek!

I'm not personally offended by it (but I'm not personally offended by much, so I'm a terrible barometer). I just think it's hypocritical to use any one gender specific insult and decry all others as offensive, regardless of the gender or who uses it. I also accept that people are hypocritical, I no less than anyone

Czech playwright and former President Václav Havel, and others, would disagree.

Yeah, and some people genuinely look like a penis.. It's not exactly apples to apples. I guess I'd just like to think at least a liberal person feels shitty after doing something shitty…

Mine's just Simpsons quotes and puns.. Wait, that's my comment history.

And plenty of "liberal" men and women have no problem calling someone a "dick". Being shitty (and at least somewhat hypocritical) is part of the human condition.. That said I've come across more shitty men than women, and the vast majority of them were conservative.

They were too busy being mad that all those True Patriot American Heroes died in that church rampage..

Does he go to your alma mater?

Hopefully in unison, and to strangers on the street.

and that man's name, was TinTin Quarantino!

Heavy is relative, and he's usually in space!

You sound like me when I was a kid..

Start doing Pepsi ®

You're right, I was just counting the only two women allowed to testify, in this one case, out of the more than 50.. and I didn't make that clear at all. I edited to reflect that, and I will try to do better in the future, really.

Just because both of the women that are allowed to testify about him drugging and rapeing them are also black, doesn't mean that… Yeah, I got nothing..