Gnome DeGuerre

I completely agree with the good beef part, and if you're making them at home you can do that.. But commercially available ones aren't, and using good beef to make a loose meat is a waste of good beef.

"You like Sloppy Joes? Well, fuck you, eat this!"

Des Moines area chain of amazingly/surprisingly good mexican food.

You're both right! They fall apart, cover your face with grease, and have a ton of salt in them, while somehow being fairly bland.

I can confirm this to be the absolute truth.

I inevitably try one again every few years, and out of the 20 or so maid rites I've eaten in my life, at least 17 were gristly on top of not tasting good!

I also grew up in Iowa, and I can't stand Maid-Rites. Sloppy Joes are vastly superior in every way, especially with some chips on top.

He doesn't though, don't worry.. He'll just keep on saying whatever he thinks his constituency wants to hear.

Well you can blame Hitler for that I guess..

I just want my actions to not have consequences, brah!


Hey, the hard working folks in advertising helped..

Memes are pop culture.. terrible, stupid, pop culture!

I'd believe Hellmann's Mayo…

Plus Buzz is always tellings stories from the set of D.C. Cab….

Um, well, sir, it happened 25 years before I was born…

Fair enough.

The times he used "b***h" should be noted as well. Being accustomed to him being shitty doesn't mean you should cut him slack merely because you see it coming or he does worse things too.