Gnome DeGuerre

Oh, so Mother Nature needs a favor?? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she's losing. Well, I say hard cheese!

I haven't seen a wire hanger for sale in Wal-Mart for years…

Your moment, his movement… I got a book coming out!!

He's no drugger, drugs are what the poors do! It's heavy pharmaceutical use, only the best doctors!

Group-sourcing it to the comments saves them money/Hormel® Black Label® bacon

She risks her life every day, and that Clark Kent asshole is never around for anything good!

I bet somewhere is still airing an iteration of Superman, you commie!

I've reported white supremacists fake accounts openly say they're both white supremacists and fake accounts, but somehow they're not violating the terms..

*Saudi Arabia’s Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology

I would argue that both are vile, but I can see how the bus conversation could be boiled down to being stuck in an awkward work situation, but only up until Billy encouraged it and mentioned his coworkers. It's that coupled with the chortling shitweasly hug encouragement that leads to me believe he wasn't just on the

I don't disagreeing with you in the slightest….

"it's been a while since I've seen the tape/clip, and the exact words and body language in the moment." Not too earnestly..

He was virtue signaling! Making sure Trump knew they were bros!

Everyone else seems to understand why he encouraged that hug, assuming it was anything other than trying to score more dude points with his new bro involves a lot of explaining away and ignoring everything we know about what happened immedately before that.

He did say that he chose to leave because they changed his character completely, which makes me wonder why he went along with the "The plan has always been.." line Schur threw out upon his exiting, but also leads me to believe he must care or at the very least did care about the show at the time… But either way, ask

But enough about Trump..

You can't make this stuff up! I mean.. they can.. but that's different…

Pardons for some, miniature Pepe flags for others!

I haven't found anything about him not worthy of derision, one could argue it's hat on a hat all the way down if they wanted to.