Gnome DeGuerre

It has to be cooked until well done, or the eggs survive..

Poor bastard, taken down because he wanted to eat a little Rice on the side..

And they kind of lied to him about it, or Paul Schneider was more gracious and kind to them then he needed to be after getting replaced.

I ask myself the same thing every time I read something about the current administration..

You should check it out. It's not for everyone I guess, but it's not like you'd have to keep watching it if you hate it..

Hopefully they're like every other movie and don't show a profit.

Chachi looks on mournfully.. He wasn't asked to back for AD season 5…

Sad upvote.

Yeah, good point, he can't possibly care because he did a funny a little over a year into his first term! Lock him up!!

Determined or not, those Lemonparty guys must be long dead..

Time is a flat circle, etc.

People act like he sent drones to go kill babies then shot some hoops and watched tv. I'm sure it was never an easy decision, and he probably still has trouble sleeping. I can't imagine knowing all the things he learned over those 8 years..

The gubment's all ready dum, librul moran!

I think he's taking Tucker Carlson's slot (eeewwwww) since he got bumped up to O'Riley's after the firing.

Oooh, dibs on the feet either way!

Sounds totally unrelatable to anything currently going on in our government.. How to Succeed in Treason Without Really Caring

The agony and irony killed me.

I'd be surprised if she isn't pressing a new album right now.