Gnome DeGuerre

Certainly most of the ones breeding, correct.

The margins are so thin I'm considering teaching Garry Johnson what Aleppo is/cutting out his tongue. In all fairness I've wanted to do the latter for some time now.

That depends on what your definition of is is..

Agreed, but they can probably be 2 things.

He is outspoken on being a total piece of shit, and conservative.. I wonder who he voted for..

Maybe Ken Jeong can teach Jenna Elfman how vaccines work, since they've got some free time.

I knew he was a total piece of shit, but I didn't know he was an outspoken Trump supporter.. But I guess everything I know about him backs it up.

*claps hands together* BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!

Squint a little..

….We should cut off his hands!

He hired cunning lawyers, sure. He didn't build any empire though, he got it from his daddy, along with the money to hire those lawyers.

"Black Magic Pizzaphile! Sorcery and whatnots!" Seriously, these people cannot die fast enough.

This shitstain on humanity wouldn't believe Obama was legitimately elected because he thought Obama was a muslim Kenyan terrorist, but said shitstain won't release his taxes because they point to him being owned in whole by Russian oligarchs that helped him illegitimately become president.. It would be a pretty good

Darkest Timeline

Where did you get cunning from?

"$hilLIARy is a murderer!!" or "OBUMMER STARTED ISIS!"

Someone should inform him that every time he lies his hands get a little bit smaller..

What else is in the teaches of Peaches?

They're going to sell it to Mr. Nikolopoulos?

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