Gnome DeGuerre

This season I decided to let 3 or 4 pile up on the DVR before I watched them, I think that might have help Tandy's Tandyness seem more grounded and reasonable.

unjust enrichment and violation of New York state business law was Trump U's motto! It was in latin though, so no one attending or running it knew that..

Behind the Laughter is great, the others you listed I'd disagree with (though I didn't hate any of them).. But I would urge anyone to stop watching before episode 19 of season 11, "Kill the Alligator and Run", purely to spare them from knowing that ever happened.

So you have Demagoguery AND nothing. Super cool!

They altered his magnum opus!

So you've still got nothing. Cool.

I guess maybe you confused politics with politics..? Also, you're a disingenuous asshole who's seemingly only ability to refute anything is to make baseless assertions.

I guess maybe you confused Schwarzenegger with Obama…

I think he was a much more distinguished legal scholar in 1980 than an entitled heir who had his Bachelors in Econ bought by his daddy, and can't get a bank loan in America.. But for shits and giggles I'm willing to retract Constitutional Law Professor and replace it with Constitutional Law Lecturer/Statesmen with a

I should have known from your first comment you don't give a fuck about actuality.. His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he served as a professor and was regarded as a professor. The only thing he didn't have was the tenure.

Yeah, a constitutional law professor/statesman with a degree from Harvard is pretty much the same as a douchecanoe with a tv show and a Bachelors in Econ… And being a State Senator for 3 terms then being elected a Senator is about the same as absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Just using a pidgeon here could even be an upside, she was a good dancer.

It's them liburls that are the real nazis!

Six?! How many have Kiss From A Rose on them?

Everyone on the show voted Trump then promptly overdosed, thus fulfilling their contracts.

Both of those started in the 90s… But yeah, cringe away.

Tammy D, getting biz on the crop!

It can be, Twocents.

Big government is always sticking it's nose in where it doesn't belong, so we've decided to cut off it's nose!