Gnome DeGuerre

We just called it a Kirstie Alley..

Drugs, either too much or not enough.. hard to tell with the information I have.

They can sure try to!

My theory is he said pussy holster, and as long as they still tape the show in a locker room, no one can complain!

He's not as vocal about his libertarianism as some stars are about their more mainstream political views, sure, but he'll bring it up, especially if it gets him off the hotseat reguarding LGBTQ rights (… &…. He's been in the public eye since he was like 10. Kurt

I never mentioned politics, but you already decided I'm wrong and your best friend Kurt couldn't be an asshole because he is cordial with people he works around.

It could be, if Ted Nugent's shitty views were political in nature, and not abhorrent in every conceivable way.

So it's like the opposite of a frat house!

I hear there are cheap and plentiful pharmaceuticals, but people take antibiotics like aspirin because you can get them without a prescription..?

Answered below, but since it's been 7 hours.. He is good friends with Ted Nugent, and was the best man in his wedding. They share a lot of views about things..

He's very congenial, but he's an asshole.

He was Ted Nugent's best man at his wedding, they share a lot of views.. Kurt's much more affable, but he's still an asshole.

He's a notorious asshole, so it could go either way.

They cost money, $40,000 a piece for them, to be specific.

Not watching TWD has saved me from countless conversations with idiots like that.. But I didn't watch Breaking Bad either, so what do I know?

The constituency doesn't know/realize any of that though..

That's actually a little funny, keep at it sport!

Whatever lets you sleep at night kiddo!

I get it, you're 12. I still don't care, but I get it now.

That's not what it means, you're projecting things onto the definition of projecting.. It's okay though, your mother probably loves you, call her.