Gnome DeGuerre

Projecting doesn't mean what you think it does..

It's a little weird how you keep projecting things onto me… But, I don't care.

Ah yes, you know what I am, but what are you? Timeless comeback, fuckwit. It's the no HomerS Club, we're allowed to have one.

Electoral reform seems like it would lend itself to helping the other as well.

Newsmax changed it's name?!

The Hoverounding Dumb

Trump himself would take the money and put the shirt on, then put another shirt over it and call himself a master of negotiation.

She was cloned from an arm right at the beginning, so I cut her some slack.

Better than his Woolite commercial?!

It makes me wonder if there was other stuff going on from 1913 til around 1969 that I'd find unacceptable were it to happen now..

They call it HateSong, and everyone loves it!

I've never tolerated assholes, way to fuck off….

Well, go fuck yourself asshole!

Making someone's life a living hell isn't an example of trolling, unless you're a dumb fascist asshole.

I'd love to be eating a cheese sandwich in a tent on a caribbean island right about now..

If he gave all the vets dumb, shitty, sub-fraternity bro nicknames, then it's exactly like it.. albeit fewer war crimes.

All you've done is make assertions.. You're bad at this.

His business plans are "making the lives.. a living hell." You're not even good at lying about him.