Gnome DeGuerre

Better than Wham Rap!

I think Trump could be better, but it mostly depends on who talked at him most recently.

Bannon just DM'd him, he is in charge now, and going in more of a Pick a Bale of Cotton direction…

I don't know if a flaming dumpster full of half bulldog diarrhea and half toxic shock syndrome is Emmy eligible, as I assume she'd want to play herself.

Didja see this, didja hear about this? Apparently, *unintelligible* Ken Starr!

He didn't write it, or even co-write it.. But I guess he did sing it, and yes it is.

Lawsuit with Sony Indefinate

Those movies will be bigger than Jesus!

So you'll speak to that, but not to the other part. Just making sure.

August 4th? Just in time for him to haul ass to Lollapalooza.

I knew you're not my mom! She seems to enjoy this television program.

If you completely ignore what Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 68 about this issue, then sure… "I was just following orders" is a common quote from people on the right side of history.

Greetings from the red side of Iowa! Feels great, doesn't it?

So calling for accepting Russian interference isn't okay, unless it helps you win those minimum 270 votes?

You see, when an electorate and a candidate love each other..

Calling for and accepting Russian interference is playing by the "well-established rules of the game"…. Rad.

You guys talkin' about that Ed Sheeran dude?

The odds of it working is always going to be worth the time spent reading those, plus it makes a great story for when people ask how you met.

Interesting, what is your net worth, and how much did you spend on hookers before you found this out?

They're completely incapable of domestic violence.. Good water too.