Gnome DeGuerre

He's as guilty of killing her as Jim Carrey is in the death of his… Nevermind.

How dare you come in here knowing something about him or even taking a few minutes to google, just like Trump supporters! MY INDIGNATION IS SO FUCKING RIGHTEOUS, YOU RACIST!

Nope, you're just racist.

Fascinating, Ack_Ack, and logical too, that we need some help.

Weren't there 3 Banshee's last year?

"State-Owned news network Russia Today"

I'm hoping for Superfreak, but my money's on Push It.

And as a terrible mohel, I'd like to say the same.

She doesn't have the heart to tell you she doesn't think you're funny… If she only knew how little that mattered.

Reindeer Games is as much an Ashton Kutcher movie as it is a Ron Jeremy movie.

Upvoted for your penis's service to it's country.

Don't you hate pants?!

I believe it's Woodward and Berenstain.

In a world where losing by roughly 80,000 votes over 6 states and getting the majority overall is an "absolute failure" reformation might not be the best answer..

It was a typo, they meant "Gropes for Breast".

I think it depends on how good the Kraft Services are..

Truman had that sign on his desk, "The Cuck Stops Here", because back then one's cuckporn had to be delievered by the guy himself..

So he wasn't married to all those porn stars he watched get banged? This guy's just some kind of fauxcuck! Interview Pete Holmes!

I rolled my eyes so hard I got vertigo, wanna make this class-action?

That's the only takeaway from this, yes. People in Big Sky Country can't get enough of 1920s Birmingham.