Gnome DeGuerre

They might as well be walking on the sun.

Are you poppin' their stones?

No you won't, and he can't see it.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

It's like most people don't realize about 27% of people are fucking terrible. Have they never worked with or met people?!

The best people read to him the best things, to him, bigly!

and what's an Elvis Presley?!


Until now..

Oh.. well, nevermind I guess.

It took the killer whale from Blackfish too! Fuck You 2017! What did that whale ever do to anyone?

Yes, until they do it.

I have to drive half an hour to get to the vape store, I think it's also, somehow, uphill both ways.

Yeah, and those guys are guys too..

I wouldn't agree with knockoff, it was exactly Match Game.

There is no space, so fuck us both.

Hooray! I can feel less guilty for not catching every Conan by DVRing Clueless Gamer! Now give Jimmy Pardo his fucking game/panel show!