Gnome DeGuerre

Leave the fine people at Supercuts out of this!


Lowest voter turnout in 20 years. People assumed that no one with a conscious would vote for Trump. Trump's base was scared Crooked Hillary was going to come take their guns, turn their kids gay, and possibly a 3rd thing they don't even know. Scared people vote.

They already had Trump, he didn't just start doing business with them last year. In fact, he had been in business with them long before his failed 2000 presidential run.

I am become Cruel Intentions, the destroyer of worlds.

Ahhh, the everyman's cocaine..

1 of the letters is left out, "home alone" is 9 letters, and there are 9 people going on vacation. 8 of the 9 people make it to vacation, so 8 of the 9 letters are capitalized.

It was very good coke though… like, worth it.

I get older, they stay the same karat

It can happen anywhere at anytime, that's what makes it so terrifying…

There are no good BASEketball related puns to be made, and I can't think of anything else she was in.. So.. kudos..?

Natty Ice and diet pills, but yeah.

Trump looks less like someone's aunt… But that could just be the wig..

Sounds like the shoe fits…

Reagan Youth was also asked to play… This administration isn't big on reading comprehension.

That's not journalism though.. that's blogging at best.

I'd say Johnson at worst. Also, if half the country is chanting "lock her up!" about you, what makes you paranoid..?

It's all those satanic 80's metal heads that never really existed, I assume punks just get lumped in because they look the part.

So I've been pouring kosher salt into wine for no reason? Oy vey iz mir…