Gnome DeGuerre

I guarantee you if Donald Trump could enjoy something as intangible as music, he would be an Eagles fan.

If it was still on, I'd suggest it. It was a weekly show made up of clips from other, lesser, tv shows, and the mocking of said clips..

But he's the only person that hair plugs actually worked for!

Blackberry Brandy was the first booze I drank, also circa '97, but I was in 6th grade, and in a friend's basement.. but I didn't get sick, so that happened too!

Ted Nougat, Ambassador to Hershey Park

It was actually me trying to plug my prog-rock band Supermoon..

You guessed it…


Well La-Di-Da! All mine had was the vague recollection of a story his Grandfather told him about seeing what could have been a cave painting out of the corner of his eye. It was probably a horse.

Dude, I know you aren't new around here. Recycled jokes get the most upvotes!

What was the deal with "#DALE"? I was too scared to ask Mr. Worldwide..

Good call, let the wookie win.

Don't worry, it's just web shows, a thing I didn't even know TLC did until reading this.

No one knows who Candace Payne is, that's why they have to put "Chewbacca Mom", and usually just "Chewbacca Mom".

Some stupid fucks actually paid twenty dollars cash to have this never-was scrawl her unknown name on something? Thanks Trump.

5 stars, big fan.

Bigly. It's all bigly now.

Yeah, before he himself was blacklisted. #MAGA

That's how they got me to vote for Lyndon LaRouche!

If they were funny, Bob's Burgers, if they weren't, Family Guy.