Gnome DeGuerre

That is putting way too much thought into things for them.


Oh, and once I saw a blimp!

I'd figure more racists are well off rather than poor, poor people have enough shit to deal with already.

If I was making movies I'd put Tudyk in them too, good luck or not he's the fucking best guy.

"Was Irving Berlin even human?!"

I'm surprised he didn't cobble them together from pieces of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Warren Zevon shirts, but at least he stayed true to form and covered them with dumb shit.

He didn't have to smell it being cooked.

I sold out to big Kudzu. Accept it into your heart and spread it.

That's what he'd tell you he said at least.

At least band together for collective power? If it's such a thriving community there should be enough money, in the community, to get nice spaces and share, as a thriving community. Or do you think it's scenesters in a warehouse calling all the other scenesters in warehouses scenesters, like at least 75% of art

You shoulda seen his van!

Charlatan is the nicest thing I can think of to call him, but he seems to prefer "master of the deal" because he doesn't understand what any of that means.

Humans have done good, in fact this very planet was riddled with species of animals before we showed up. We wiped out 11 in the last 200 years alone! Now there is more room.. room for kudzu.

They're (the rhetorical "they") not the ones who died in a fire, so they don't care. Couldn't happen to them, the universe knows how cool they are and loves them!

They, by and large, make more money and don't want to give up 1%, especially if it's going to the poors.

You may.

No Democrat had won the 4+ College degree vote in 50 years..

And education level isn't the best metric to use when gauging intelligence anyway.. But it's not like smart people can't do dumb shit..

It'll never work! In space no one can hear you fart, and you can't fall down.. I guess if it's a 12 minute short of him throwing up or something..?