Gnome DeGuerre

This guy's saying what's in our minds/cars!

They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good students.

I think you still have to be exceptional, it's just unfortunate that being an exceptionally awful human is fine*.

I think we were all counting on them, President-Elect Trump most of all.

HOW DARE YOU?! The Theatre is supposed to be a safe space!

Until the iphone bootlegs of it hit youtube, you'll need a time machine..

He moved on the Electoral College like a bitch.

Better than Snapshots in History's Glare Quote Generator I suppose.

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize you.

He's going to run again, as soon as the entitilitus clears up..

The cognitive dissonance is the alarming part. I guess they call their "safe space" a "free speech zone" or whatever faux-patriotic buzzwords they heard on AM-Talk, so that makes it better?

The Call of the Simpsons is good, and Homer's Night Out is not without its charms.. and uhh.. I guess Homer's Odyssey? So 3 out of 13… yeah.. nevermind..

il Douche

She was my favorite boxer!

100% organic and desperately edgy!

Oh, I can dislike him more, neat. Thanks Trump!

A local vape shop is named the Vaped Ape, and the guy who runs it thinks he was the first person to ever think of that, and that it's clever… But he also became a libertarian the second he got some money, so what I'm saying is Red States are America is terrible.

He is going to completely redefine the word trump. Bigly.