Gnome DeGuerre

I laughed far too hard, and long, at this. Thank you, I needed it.



I take solace in the fact that if the cancer hadn't gotten him, his head might have literally exploded by now.. and then he'd just be remembered as the guy who head exploded..

I keep my coat hangers in the closet, but to each his own I guess.

El perro, es mi corazón!

Fireworks make anywhere seem more liveable.

The best names he has heard before!

"Jake Menges, a spokesman for the former mayor, [said] that Giuliani was referring to a lack of major attacks during the remainder of Bush's term." So he just wasn't counting anything under Republicans, and since the 1993 WTC bombing happened less than a month into Clinton presidency it is (in his point of view at

Bedtime for Yoko

He forgot about 9/11..

Take my wife, for instance! Shit!

You should both be double hung for this thread, and I will NEVER scroll down to see if something obvious has been said!

Terminated pregnancies?! Hasta la vista, baby!

I went with the classic Daniel Stern, and I stand by it.

I was really looking forward to turning off my Drumpfinator. Now I gotta keep this add-on for 4 years?!? Also, he's going to be the fucking President of the United States of America?!


To quote my father, a lifelong democrat who couldn't be arsed to go vote, "She's unelectable!". It was utter misogyny in this case, and many of the 6 million other Dems that didn't vote for her (but voted for Obama) and I'm never going to let him (or his generation) live it down.

Thanks Trump!