Gnome DeGuerre

You want him back?! You can't just disappear for three months and suddenly decide you want him back! You can't have him!

You better have ties to Saudi Princes if you think you can get away with it..

Billboard, magazine take notes.

Drake likes vaseline on toast.

I can't wait for the Billy and the Cloneasaurus and The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down series.

My autocorrect has been making people Jewish for a week now!? I'm so broiges I could platz.

Prince kind of killed himself though, can't blame the reaper or a year for it, as much as I'd love to.

Word on the street is Trump thinks he's got the edge, but my sources say he only counts black women as 3/5ths of a person, so I expect those numbers to be skewed.

Don't worry, it probably won't happen… and if it does, in another 7 years he'll be ripping off McConaughey's Lincoln commercials for Glade Plugins or some shit

Douche au Fromage.

I had always hoped the alliteration alone would lead her to haiku..

ITT Technicality No Down Boo Over!

Yeah, it's not the prison industry/mental health care!

A lot of Americans saw the commercials I guess? It's a stretch sure, but we've all read less relevant shit here.

When they give every creative and enterprising young person with a unique view and a film, a pilot I will agree. You want to obfuscate her being born to her successful, artistic, well connected "mommy and daddy" go for it. You can call it whatever you want and imply I said she doesn't work hard, but it doesn't matter.

Are our parents critically renowned NY artists and filmmakers? To imply she's just so damn plucky that she did it all on her own is worthy of derision.

I'm amazed Al Jean can still run the show with 2 hams for fists, and a complete lack of/disregard for canonical knowledge.

That's……. generous.

Yeah, that too. But I bet the money helps..

I checked it out.. Money totally helps.
