Gnome DeGuerre

Give 'em a break, it's a slow Tucc day.

I prefer Tuc-chainz, formerly known as Tuci boi

Don't bring me down, Tucc!

Ugh, one time I went dancin' with Dr. Bravestone.. He's been knockin'. He won't leave me alone. What a jerk!!

It's the only way to explain all these Mclarens I see every time I go outside.


That's my trailer trash Aunt's nickname too!

Arby's was founded in Boardman, Ohio, in 1964 by Forrest and Leroy Raffel. The brothers wanted to call their restaurants "Big Tex", but that name was already used by an Akron business. Instead, they chose the name "Arby's", based on R. B., the initials of Raffel Brothers. You were close, but your rationale made too

The only funny thing a Swedish man has said is "bork bork bork".

It might have been Roy Cohen, did you guess him?

Lemonade case doesn't hold water?

I shoulda saved my one Frank Stallone joke of the day for this.

His son only got 6 months on a drug charge in China, you can leave the word filmmaking out of that last sentence.

A short 2.5 hours one way trip! All I need now is: a ride or a license, $5, and a bigger flask for Blazing Saddles.

"It's the least dank!"

I like to get high in the car before I go into a movie too, and it's great you can share the things you like with your children.


Well, it would be funnier if the caption said "Please, no meat touching ma'am."

Hey poor people, if you're so poor why are you heating $1.25 worth of frozen "food" in a luxury appliance?! Typical fat cat poors!