Gnome DeGuerre

That's something any sane, rational person, and Bill O'Reilly, can agree on.

Dude, Where's the Party? II: Yaar's Revenge

I think someone has to suck someone else's dick.. You'll both have to go to buzzfeed to see which one of you is Adele.

I didn't really expect a modicum of decorum, and you didn't disappoint.

I had read somewhere he was from out of state, and drove there with the intent to do this.. So for once this isn't a Floridian's fault.. Except perhaps for the Floridians that let him into a meet & greet with 2 pistols and a hunting knife.

I was just going to say how proud I was that no one had done that yet, thank you.

I want to know what they were looking at, even if it's nothing. Also I really hope that story is true, and that you yelled "IGNORE ME!" as you gunned it.

I'd hate life a lot more if my name was Braily.

"Je suis The Son of God!"

They could have just said "u dum lolz".. But I don't think OnTheCorner is that kind of asshole.

Classic Eric's mom!

Chelsea Handler killed Ben Ghazi?

I don't think she has the time, she seems to always be doing at least 15 things simultaneously.

Get out of Bumtown, you no-talent bum!

I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.. Also this show is fucking garbage.

Todd from Last Man On Earth looks upset about it too..

They haven't cured anything, heart disease and world hunger are still rampant. Those do-gooders are all a bunch of pitiful losers, every last one of 'em! Want results? You have to go to the Netflixes, the Hulus and to a lesser extent, the Amazon Videos.

If they need a blurb for the back or whatever I think I've found the essence:

I just found out his name is Henry Randall Baskett III, so even if he chooses to have just have a nanny raise his kid I'm over it.