The fuck dude.
This is good news for Ezeli, but I am sad to hear about Greg Oden’s passing.
I call her the Tauntaun. She’s been repeatedly rode hard and put away wet, but someone might get inside her if they were desperate.
If you have to ask yourself that, you’re not huffing enough glue.
What he lacks in athletic ability, he makes up for with heart, grit and hustle.
Wow. Just wow. Assuming there is an NDA for the program with L.M. and just some of what was covered by that NDA was discussed, I would have said person contacted immediately by an attorney. Damages? sky is really the limit when you are talking a 379 billion dollar program. Not sure how the anyone including the…
You fold and reuse the paper? What? Seriously, what?!?
There is nothing here that suggests the man has a substance abuse problem, he has a decision making problem. There have been many times between college and now (early thirties) when I have been as drunk as Floyd in that video. The difference between he and I is that I called a cab, hailed an uber, or slept on…
Last year during Black history month, we had this
I did an advances land nav course in the military, you get dropped 25 miles from your objective deep in the mountains. You have food and water for two days, a compass and map. I felt like the ultimate bad ass out there, miles away from anyone—Mountain Man Dave! I started hiking out, and ten minutes in came across a…
Eat Arby’s
I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.
This helps explain why people call him a real motherfucker.
We don’t know what’s about to happen is right. But, even a couple days in, we’re seeing some terrible things happen.
It was probably a mistake to list Vladimir Putin as a Reference.
We all are, believe me.
I. Am. Furious.
I also thorouly enjoyed CharDee MacDennis 2: Electric Bugaloo
How do you have The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention not ranked higher? It is one of the all time best episodes. I challenge you to a duel!