
see the text: “Rich asswipe”

There is absolutely nothing normal or sane about y’all

Yes he is, he has provided many names of personal his enemies to Atomwaffen kill-lists


Spider-Man has been a cultural icon for over 60 years, it’s not all that odd for other countries to use lax international copyright laws to cash in on that

If people are still dying not much has changed

The ideal number of people who should in the course of producing disposable entertainment is zero hth

It’s been years since I watched Redeath, thx for reminding me about it

The cold deep unforgiving ocean depths could not be reached for comment.

Personally I don’t think it’s fair to lead an article about a deadly rodent-borne virus with a picture of a cute little guy who has never done anything wrong

With that many prone bodies on the cover somebody’s face has got to be buried in someone else’s ass or crotch

Pairing it with a character begging it to stop like Shinji does in a later similar scene in the series makes it seem like a bit more than a coincidence

people are lucky if they survive

Or they could have just not made the player directly complicit in ensuring a victim of rape and forced breeding continue to do so for “the correct amount of time.”

Under no circumstances though is the team at Activision-Blizzard in any way qualified to be depicting this kind of messed up situation

I want to see a cosplay of Captain Carter that requires two people to pull off . You know what I’m talking about.

It’s a joke, lighten up francis

If you can’t beat a newbie using modern controls while using classic controls yourself maybe your not as good as you think you are?

Into The Spider-Verse bluray had a mode that inserted unfinished alternate versions of scenes, it’s possible they could do the same with thise

Fellas is it liberal to impart breaking news of current events