
So some of you are thinking that it’s not a foreign power doing this, because they have satellites and weather ballons to spy on us, and yes they do- but you can’t really probe the defenses of an installation from space or near space. A Russian or Chinese submarine can sneak in, launch drones and see what we actually

I have never found Suburu seats to be comfortable, and some are actually painfull. Some drivers fit them but some don’t. That a NoDog for me beyond the fact that its a vanilla 24 year old Forester. 

Time for this guys wife to revoke his CriCut privileges and for penance make him spend some time with a hair dryer or heat gun. ND for the dash toupee alone.

This is one of those cars that on the surface looks maybe NP but the seller screans ND. 

A couple decades ago I looked into NG as a fuel, and while it offers low cost fueling and longer engine life as NG burns clean without the cold start oil contamination and deposits from gasoline, it suffers from the same limited range problems that EV’s do but without public facilites to charge up while out on the

No ther bike makes a sound like a Duke, it’s a sound that melds together into a feral heartbeat and the infamous brown note all at once. It doesn’t have to loud to be good, but if it’s both like the weird ass Ducati 900SS with Moto Guzzi wheels and a alloy dustbin fairing, barely ridable clip ons and stainless steel

Many of those underwater buyers are underwater from a couple of leases or purchases not all that long ago and the finance guy was kind enough to roll that negative equity into the present loan. Somewhere that merry go round has to end-a freind of ours is paying off some NE from leases on vehicles she doesn’t own

It’s a little small for me, I’m not huge but Guzzi’s are built for whippy Italian riders who are about 5'6" tall. The sound at full throttle is almost a SBC wail, so the Guzzi I had a couple decades ago spent an unhealthy amount of time there. NP just the same. 

“Hi I need a set of decent wheels at a decent price”

I know this is a subjective opinion, but shouldn’t an $8000 vehicle be attractive? 

Thats the math that might move this along

Nice car.

The number of poor people who won’t give up that tobacco monkey astounds me. Pack a day is $10, $20 for a couple, $600 a month that you set on fire. And now that weed is legal here, another bunch of money up in smoke.

Oh come on!

I had the 4 door version of this, and while you’d think a 1.6L would get good fuel ecnomy it did not. That engine really thrashed on the highway.

Stop telling us what we “need”

It;s not only the range but the time spent at the charging station that is the concern, so when I can go 400+ miles and charge up in 10 minutes, including exchanging the used coffee for a fresh cup, I might be interested.

Sometimes a person just needs a car. Nothing glorious, but 4 wheels that’ll get you around without too much embarassment. This is that car. 

Well there’s a car that appeals to exactly one person on the planet and that person already owns it.....oh and now even that person doesn’t want it. So it’s a ND with a plate of fava beans.

Except the people we know who bought a Mach-E did not make it, and had to get a charge in Gaylord. Took 2 hours worth to get to GoodHart with 16 miles range to spare. It’s already close to a 4 hour trip and adding 2 hours doing nothing in Gaylord made them question their purchase.