They can get by without hands. Little harder to drive without eyes, if we are going medieval on them.
They can get by without hands. Little harder to drive without eyes, if we are going medieval on them.
I’ve often wondered exactly what it takes to get drivers to stop DUI.
The introductory Lightning pricing was a show stopper, and probably would have captured a decent part of the gas market. But Ford did Ford, dropped all that and bet that we’d pay whatever they wanted and we’d be willing to wait for it too. That didn’t quite work out.
I and the wife can usually get to Detroit without any stops, maybe one for the restroom so maybe five minutes.If we are in her vehicle we don’t need to stop for fuel, in mine we might need a stop for fuel, but not always. When we road trip we usually eat a good breakfast and don’t bother with lunch. So no, not any…
Isn’t it funny how others feel the need to question your travel requirements? Is it really any of their business? Like you, I’m not buying an EV until it can get to Detroit from where I am in NoMi on one charge like my ICE vehicles do, and it doesn’t matter how many times I want or need to do it. Not to mention how a…
You’re lucky if they don’t steal a locked car in your driveway in the UK. Thives will steal them right out of the garage. We had some British friends stay with us here in NoMi and they panicked because we didin’t lock our doors, or our cars.
As a recovering LR owner and small time hoarder of such oddities I can safely say ND at all to the Disco I or II under any circumstances. The answer is always ND. I owned one of these and it was a money and time suck, a black hole with no event horizon until the day I cried “No mas” and dumped it.
Fortunately for you and your fellow cage devotees, there has never been a convertible conscription authority and you are free to leave them for us who love open air motoring. We chose a Mustang GT convertible as a rental car on a trip to Vegas/Moab and it was the best way to really drink in the world around you. In…
Half of dealers won’t sell you an EV.
The only reason one remembers the mid 70's Valiant/Aspen is because of how cynically malaise era they were. It was the low point of America’s auto industry and their “no matter what absolute shit we make you’ll be good Americans and buy it”. It was 1977 and we were visiting our relatives in Poulsbo on the way to…
Not sure if its supposed to be a C1 Corvette when it grows up or what the hell is going on here but it’s compleatly awful. The only correct decision made was to sell it and they still even got the price wrong. ND.
The Toyota Tax is as real as my refusal to participate in the delusion. ND for that tailgate. Do all that work and leave the most visible problem?
One of our favorite “elderlies” has a Boss 302 that he’s built up nicely, it’s LOUD and he loves to shred a tire or two or more. He was also a tunnel rat in Vietnam and has a fondness for THC resin. You just have to associate with the right foggies.
First off, let me say that knowing the “elderly” people that I do, who are never shy about doing a burnout or two and can afford the tires to do so, buying from the little old lady from Pasadena is not a guarantee that the car hasn’t been flogged like a red haired stepchild. The difference is that they will be more…
That system was put into place in Anchorage at one time and it was eventually eliminated. What happned was that everbody who got a ticket asked for a court hearing to fight it and the time spent defending the tickets made it unprofitable, and then the citizens passed an iniative to get rid of it. It can be gotten rid…
not even the speeding but the ability to speed is the problem according to the NTSB.
It’s my good fortune that my bride doesn’t frequent this site and that it’s all the way to the left coast. Clean WA 850 wagon that looks solid for a bit more than fuggit money? That’s NP right there. Could the buyer pick up a case of Ranier for me and drop it off on the way back? Much obliged.
I’m going to say “No Dolphin” as it has flipper writ large upon it. Yeah I know we all go on about why they can’t clean it before listing it but this is a whole new level of shiny. It’s trying too hard and covering up too much.
The best tires I ever experienced were Hankook winter Ipike RW11's. At one time the wife and I had identical LR3's, except I had the iPikes and she had the Blizzaks because we couldn’t find another set of the iPikes in her size. Yes the iPikes were bettar than Blizzaks. She made me trade cars when the weather got…
I was once “that guy” who managed to sink a wood lapstrake Thompson right on the ramp. It was my ex-FIL’s boat that he had stored in a heated garage in a zero humidity Alaska winter, the strakes were all as dry as popcorn farts, rolled it off the trailer into the water and I barely got clear of the dock when I noticed…