
I’m guessing this guy thinks hes starting an import business on the back of this rather shall we say “modest” offering. His business plan has some holes starting in it. Anyone who really wants one of these could probably fly to the DE, buy one and drive it for a couple weeks, ship it back and be money ahead. ND. 

G-Wagens are ND on arrival. 

Seems like a big spend for an overdone mall crawler. ND for me.

“can’t poach the experienced techs from the company that paid for their training” 

Anything like that is going to have a disconnect of some kind. For example, the AC unit I mentioned, you don’t unplug that. There is a little box where the main feed comes in with a breaker or switch. Or a hot tub-ask the guy who installs a 240V 50A hot tub to run your wire, he’ll say no, I’m not an electrician. 

So I can maybe understand you’d need to be an electrican to install an EV charger, but to repair one? That’s roughly like saying that the guy who fixes your stove or dryer or AC unit, the appliances that involve 24oV and high current draws, would need to be electricians. Also, the electricians I know might be able to

I looked at a 944 with the dash toupee and that should have been alll the warning I needed to see. If that’s the best they could do for the dash what lipstick did they put on the other pigs? And yes the one I looked at was a heap. 

I’d have thought the Porsches of that era were more a boomer thing, since I lusted after them when they were going to replace the 911. I’d still be open for a nice 928. 

I’m going to go wayyyyy out on the limb here, but if you want a Porsche and the wind in your hair there’s this model called a Bozster and those can be had in better condition for plus or minus 10K all day long. Most Porsche prospects in this price range are “settling” either for the 924/944, so if you are settling why

Yep. Plus the clutch plate is still whizzing around bumping the pressure plate and flywheel and wearing all those items. Apparently modern driving protocols want the driver to leave it in gear so you are ready to go.....comeon man, it takes millieconds to push tje pedal and move the stick.

They have these things called “signs” at intersections deemed inapproriate for ROR, and making drivers chafe at intersections when they could clearly and safely go isn’t going to improve safety. Don’t care what the rest of the world thinks, when they are clearly wrong.

I don’t hold the clutch in at stop sins or lights, so pretty much every time I stopped the Bronco shut off. I also turned off the double honk when you leave the vehicle while it’s running, since I do take mine off-road and sometimes one has to have a look before proceeding. The program can be a bit fiddly but does a

For most of us it won’t add up to more than a rounding error and so damn annoying. I bought Forscan mostly to disable it on the Bronco.

Our manufacturer just changed the support site to a “phone friendly site” It’s annoying and pointless, as I can’t download firmware or realistically lookup parts on a phone. At best I can look up service codes which I could do before, on a 3rd party site which is a hundred times easier to use.

I think the writer opined the bumper looked, better, not the fenders, but still wrong about that. The bumper looks like Charles Bottomtooth the third.

I recently enjoyed a rare opportunity to get drunk with some Germans . Not newsworthy at all but a great way to spend an evening and a good portion of the early morning. 

I thought Kermit was a darker grreen and less metallic.

Decades ago there was a trend, a fad, a fleeting fancy of people making double ended cars. Anchorage had a double fronted Chevelle parkd at a major intersection, I don’t know if it ever did run, but if it had been fully implemented it could have driven both direction. It wasn’t the only one but it was the one that the

he’s trying to mach e bunch of people annoyed, best to ugnore him.

french toast storm-everyone panic buys bread, milk and eggs.