
Sure, “cop buddies” will gladly risk their jobs and illegally cordon off a residential street in broad daylight so their tool bag friend can conduct a road test with his tool bag truck. /s

Ya think maybe I was smart enough to reach out to my cop buddies and let em know I was conducting a road test and they have cordoned off the area for me? Nice try buttercup.”

No, buttercup, I don’t, because if you’d done that then you wouldn’t have deleted the video.

Those military secrets dont sell themselves....

I thought of that after I posted, but it’s her first day, they haven’t met, and she’s in the background with no lines, so it’d still be jarring for her to burst out laughing out of nowhere (as far as he knew).

Apparently Lola and I have a different definition of ‘reamed’

This, admittedly, is not completely fair, but every time I hear one of these after-the-fact stories, I can’t help but think “how brave of this person to sit on the story right up until that celebrity becomes radioactive enough that I can share it with no risk.”

Sure, because you could never communicate via the internet before Twitter.

I kind of love two things:

1.) The no-fucks-given attitude (seriously, the way we in the US slut-shame women for revealing any part of their bodies—while having no problem whatsoever with bros putting on a “gun show”—is absolutely ludicrous).

2.) That one of her logos closely resembles the Brazzers logo.

Also worth

point: portrayal is not endorsement.

>because of those fans, the show is becoming easy to hate

I thought that the Trump Administration WAS “The National Organization for Toddler Smoking & Puppy Murder”?

Are you referring to the future of our food supply or his picture?

I want payback. I want the congressional democrats to do to Trump what the congressional republicans did to Obama. I want the senate minority leader to release a statement mimicking McConnell’s statement about Obama. It will say that “the number one goal of congressional democrats is to make sure that Trump is a

Fuck the media for not only perpetuating the whole “They’re both shitty candidates” narrative but also giving that bloviating windbag hours of free airtime because they found him entertaining. And for letting him and his surrogates say whatever the fuck they wanted to without bothering to fact check any of it until

All that he said, all that he did.....still better than a woman in power. Fuck. Telling my daughter when she wakes up And goes to school is going to kill me.

It’s so many things.