
Most Offensive Player, sure, Most Valuable Player, naw, it’s not going to happen this year. James Harden and Kawhi(sp) Leonard have better cases. If you look at Russ’s stats they look mighty impressive, but if you actually watch a lot of their games and see his team,mates stand around as he does his thing then it’s

If Russ justs wants a ring then he would not have signed an extension with OKC cuz winning a ring is not going to happen in that city.

5. It gives fans something to bitch about if said player does not live up to said contract. As in Demarious Thomas is a receiver with a $70 million contract but he’s dropping balls asif he’s a $700k receiver

I’m suprised that it took the English side so long to counter the Italian strategy.

Why are you going into Southern Colorado and not just taking I-70 across Northern Colorado/Denver? it seems like a bad route to take.

Kid, i’ve been in IT probably longer than you have been alive and have definitely seen and experienced more than you ever will. Congrats on having your contract picked up, it must be a good feeling for a desperate soul such as yourself to work on as a contractor and get picked up by a company. Bless your heart!

Slow your role, princess. You have no idea what we do or what we produce. What works for your software development team does not necessarily work for every team. You’re sounding like a second year IT student.

Methinks that you are entirely missing his point about sensitive data ownership issues. Many companies avoid ‘the cloud’ because of similiar issues. My company certainly can’t put our data in the cloud which is why we have our own data center. As far as a $3k computer, yeah that sounds excessive. We have some

Exactly, he just mumbles shit and constantly tries to be the funniest kid in the room. His act has grown stale, except for Shaqting a fool, now that shit is hilarious sometimes!

I had surgery a few years ago and was confined to the couch for a few days and was prescribed some painkillers. What I remember is having some very vivid dreams while taking them.

Anyone who has been in the military and have been assigned to Turkey should be familiar to the Turkish Trots, which is basically a virus that hits in the first few weeks of arriving in the country. Unfortunately for me it hit the first night in a hotel. I found a McDonald’s, got a Big Mac, grabbed a couple bottles of

“The government shut off all lines of communication so I couldn’t get on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp” This is a common occurrence in Turkey and easily avoided by using a VPN. Millions of Turks do it whenever their government goes into yet another news blackout because of terrorist activity.

One play does not typically decide a football game and that blocked field goal certainly did not decide last nights game. There was enough bad offensive play to go around and no excuse for two point blank missed field goals. I still can’t believe that I stayed awake to watch that entire game.

Don’t forget that Texans generally approve of having high school football stadiums that rival some college stadiums. As such, I doubt very seriously if the good citizens will get riled up over an expensive baseball stadium.

“As a young man, I always take out the garbage,” Allen said.

Bro, I have a feeling that Derrick Rose comes from a totally different neighborhood where this kind of behaviour occurs on the regular.

I agree with the prick and rapist parts, how can he not know what consent means. To do this kind of crap with someone that he supposedly cared about is just mind numbing. He reminds me of some of the athletes that attended the same high school as me who were trying to see who could get the most girls pregnant.

Gladys was not a fan of traveling at high noon.

No worries, we can still figure out a way to blame this all on Rob Ryan.

Mississippi of the North?!?! My God man, watch your mouth!